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Pain Free Sleep With Organic Wool Mattress System

We'll, there's good news and bad news since I purchased my Soothe Ewe™ Mattress Topper. With arthritis, fibromyalgia, and polymyalgia, my sleep was less than comfortable. It was miserable, to be honest. Now, when I sink into my mattress topper (of course, the addition of the Snuggle Ewe™ Comforter adds to the deliciousness of my nights) I am without pain almost immediately. I don't even need to use a hot pad anymore when I ache. This has made a tremendous difference in my life and I cannot imagine living with out these products.
Here's where the bad news comes in. I recently spent 10 days in California. I cannot believe how difficult my nights were without anything but an expensive hard mattress in my little hotel. There was no way that I could get comfortable, and it seemed as if I was tossing and turning all too much. When I got back home, it took a couple of nights: but I was able to regain the "wonderfulness" in my body, having returned to my Soothe Ewe™ Mattress Topper duet. I will ever be grateful to Susan for her amazing products.

Audrey M.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin